2013年10月20日 星期日



You know the world of English is a fun and exciting place to be. I'm so glad you could join me for another lesson.

Hi, everybody. This is Misterduncan in England. How are you today? Are you ok? I hope so! Are you happy? I hope so! In this lesson, we will take a look at two common words, which have opposite meanings and many uses within the English language. Today we will look at "Good" and "Bad."

In English, just like any other language, we need to be able to express that which is positive, and that which is negative. The words "good" and "bad give us a very simple, but useful way of expressing these descriptions easily, but there are many other ways of showing what is "Good" or "OK" and what is "Bad" or "Not OK."

We can use "Good" or "Bad" to describe the way we feel. "How are you feeling today?" "I feel good." "I feel bad." In the positive sentence, "Good" can mean "Well" or "Happy," and in the negative sentence, "Bad" can mean "Unwell" or "Unhappy." Good and bad can be used to show "Enjoyment" or a "Dislike" toward something. "Did you enjoy the movie?" "Yes, it was good." "No, it was bad."

Of course we can use good and bad to describe a person and their character. "Thank you for your help. You are good." "That man stole my bike. He is bad." Let's look at some longer sentences using good and bad. "My boss gave me the morning off from work, so I went shopping. I had a really good morning." "I lost my wallet this morning, and then I was late for work. I had a really bad morning." "I went for lunch today with a good friend of mine, but the food at the restaurant was bad. I'm not going there again." "We had a good time today. Too bad we have to say goodbye." In the last sentence, "too bad" means "it is a pity," or "isn't that a shame?" "It's too bad!"
當然我們可以用好和壞去描述一個人和他們的個性。「謝謝你的幫助。你人真好。」「那人偷了我的腳踏車。他很壞。」讓我們看一些長一點、使用好與壞的句子。「我老闆讓我早上休假,所以我去購物了。早上真愉快。」「今天早上我弄丟了皮夾,然後我上班遲到了。早上真糟糕。」「今天跟我的一個好朋友去午餐,但是餐廳的食物很糟糕。我不會再去那裡了。」「我們今天很開心。可惜我們得說掰掰了。」最後一句中「too bad」的意思是「可惜」或「那不是很遺憾嗎?」「太可惜了!」

It would seem that there are many more uses for the word "Good" than "Bad," which is quite a good thing. Don't you agree?

Hey! Hey there! I'm talking to you! Hmm, rude bird. It is worth remembering that the words "Well" and "Good" cannot always be used as synonyms. For example, you cannot say: "He sang GOOD today." "She ran Good today." "They played Good today." In these sentences, you can only use "Well." However, when we look at it the other way round, "Well" can be used instead of "Good", when describing the way you feel. So saying that you feel "Well" or that you feel "Good" are both correct. This rule can cause a lot of confusion for some English students.
欸!欸那位!我在跟你說話!嗯,沒禮貌的鳥。值得記得的是「Well」和「Good」這些字彙不能永遠被當作同義字來使用。舉例來說,你不能說:「He sang GOOD today. 」「She ran GOOD today. 」「They played GOOD today. 」在這些句子裡,你只能用「Well」。然而,當我們從另一方面來看,在描述你的感覺的時候,「Well」可以用來代替「Good」。所以說你感覺很「Well」或是你感覺很「Good」兩者都是正確的。這規則可能會對某些英語學生造成很大的混淆。

Finally, we can use "Good" and "Bad" as basic ways of expressing what is "Right" and "Wrong." "Good" is the opposite of "Evil" and "Wicked." In Religion, we often see the words "Good" and "Evil" used as opposites.

There is a saying in English that goes, "You must take the good with the bad," or "the rough with the smooth." This means that life is not always fair or easy. You must accept the unpleasant experiences and hard times for what they are. All experiences are a part of living, be they good or bad.

Well, that is all from me for today, but do not feel bad because I will be back again very soon. Is that good for you? I hope so! This is Misterduncan in England saying, "thank you for watching me, teaching you," and of course, "ta-ta for now."

