2013年5月14日 星期二


10個壞習慣會讓你變胖哦 (10 Bad Habits that make you Fat)

1.不吃早餐;(Don eat breakfast)

2.睡前吃東西; (Eat before you sleep)

3.暴飲暴食; (Anyhow eat)

4.餓著不吃,更容易堆積脂肪; (Hungry and don eat, easier to store fats)

5.邊吃邊做事,容易吃過量; (Eat and work at the same time, easy to overeat)

6.吃得太快,會攝入多餘熱量; (Eat too fast, take in too much calories)

7.飲水太少,影響新陳代謝; (Drink too little water, affect metabolism)

8.吃水果和蔬菜太少,損失營養; (Eat too little fruits and vegetables, lack of nutrients)

9.餓著肚子購物,易導致進食垃圾食品。(Hungry and doing shopping, easy to eat junk food)

10. 缺乏运动。(Lack of Exercise)

